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Article Archive For Larry Connors and Ashton Dorkins

  • Does The RSI Give You An Edge? by Larry Connors & Ashton Dorkins

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Does The RSI Give You An Edge? by Larry Connors & Ashton Dorkins The relative strength index has been heavily used since its creation, but does it work for you? The relative strength index (RSI) is one of the most popular tools used by traders. As such, there are many books and articles written showing how to use RSI. Unfortunately, most of the published material doesn't show any statistical evidence to support the indicator's performance. This is surprising, considering how popular the RSI is and how many traders rely upon it. Before using any indicator, it is important to test if the indic...

  • Laps And Gaps To Get Your Edge by Larry Connors and Ashton Dorkins

    ARTICLE SYNOPSIS ...Laps And Gaps To Get Your Edge by Larry Connors and Ashton Dorkins When a stock gaps higher at the open on bullish news, will that lead to even higher prices? When a stock gaps higher at the open on bullish news, will that lead to even higher prices? This is the question that many traders ask before the market opens. You watch the financial news in the morning and hear a list of stocks set to open higher due to positive news overnight. Then you see a live report from the floor of the exchange that shows traders gathered around the post where XYZ stock is traded. You're told that stock is due...

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